Thursday, April 19, 2007

FREE SEX!!! (from friendster, 15/2/07)

I bet when you guys read the title, your mind will go ,"wow...i need to read this...summer_wizard is offering sex and service...must be good"...

hell NO!!! i am not letting you widen my anus diameter...:P....hehe...
Don't go berserk, ok?

Anyway, this is one of the many ways to attract public's attention in business world that i've learnt in my course...i remember a billboard(not in malaysia) showing SEX in real huge letters but the subtopic was "Did i get your attention??? Please visit BURGER XXXXX"(i forgot the name)...nice huh??

As the PIG year is approaching, I would like to share the advantages and disadvantages of celebrating CNY (from my point of view)


  1. Angpau's of course...$$$$$$$$$....
  2. Eat lots of mandarin oranges, which contains helluva cellulase, makes you shit like a king...byebye sembelit...:)
  3. Food. CNY is the only season when sharkfin, abalones, sea cucumbers and others gather on my lil dining table...::::drooling::::
  4. Drinks. Yahoo!!! endless beers and carbonated drinks flowing...(and chrysanthemum tea for kiddies like you!) :P
  5. Hot chicks. Gurls visiting your house and people like GM will go wooooohooooo...:::drooling::: and talking cock about whatever...hehe...cheers GM :P


  1. CNY songs. Stupit toothless lil gurls shaking their heads and unappetising asses...(taken ecstacy i guess) and singing horribly...WTF
  2. Fat layers. (Food + Drinks) x Excessive x Sleep = FAT FAT FAT!!! Gurls, sorry if the equation traumatise you...:P
  3. Talkative aunties and uncles visiting and talking cock about their sons/daughters...and laugh till can see two rows of yellowish teeth and red pale gums....damnit!!!haunting me...
  4. Celebrating birthday together with CNY...Killing two birds with one parents are laughing all the way to the bank....can save money from buying cakes and presents... cis cis cis...:(

In conclusion, the advantages of celebrating CNY outweighs the disadvantages (by one point). It is better to celebrate CNY merrily to reap maximum profits...hehe...(reminds me of Mdm Chu, ex-EST teacher) :)'ve been patient enough to read thus far...
Now, want free sex and service? Please feel free to visit my neighbours who happen to be prostitutes...(ceh ceh ceh...promote pulak)...:P...Call 1300 X
X 2525...request for anytype of hot chicks : Hawaian combo, Vegie orgy, Classic chick-en, Extravaganza, Flaming Hot Tuna Gurl...hehe :P...

Wow....imagine that...a Hawaian *pizza scent* chick....

HOT or WHAT!!!!!


*scurried to toilet to*ahem*

* PUKE!!!! of course!!!!*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
